痛不欲生十年苦 自癒全不費功夫(中英對照)
我的名字叫Isa Ng Yuk Shui,我一直以來都想要寫郵件感謝您,在藏傳佛祖誕辰之日,我認為在此時表達我對您的感激之情再適合不過了,您通過您的書《醫行天下》教會了我一種簡 單的方法:拉筋和拍打。很抱歉我不會打中文,這對於一個在香港出生的中國人來說是很慚愧的,所以我只能用英語和您交流了。後來,我通過您的書向一些朋友分 享了我由於筋縮和筋硬所造成的痛苦,我想告訴他們是您的書拯救了我的生命,真的。以下就是我從2000年以來所忍受的痛苦。
從2000年開始,我右邊的身體:肩膀、手臂、後背和脊柱一直忍受著筋縮和筋硬的痛苦。近年來這樣的症狀變得越來越嚴重,在02—03年間,我的右手甚至已經無法舉起2磅重的麵包!隨後,由於我的個性,我選擇了自然療法而不是任何的止疼藥物。我去做了按摩、艾灸(使用草藥燻蒸穴位)、針刺、甚至是電針、火罐......凡是你能夠說出 的我全都嘗試過。症狀並沒有任何的好轉。在此我要感謝一位中國的按摩師,她鼓勵我去做瑜伽並且告訴我那樣一定會對我有幫助。我的手臂稍微好轉了一點,但是手臂的疼痛還是一樣,並且特別容易疲勞。到06年春天,我的雙膝關節和大腿變得非常的疼痛(有許多的骨刺在膝關節中),以至於我在平路上行走超過10分鐘 就必須停下來休息,爬坡和上樓梯那絕對是一種痛苦!我放棄了駕駛,從06年到09年間,我甚至三次跑到印度去往膝蓋內注射一種凝膠狀物質,症狀同樣沒有多 大的改善。從去年夏天開始,我的背痛開始加劇,從肩膀到頸部,每天早晨我都會被右側後背的疼痛喚醒,這樣的疼痛從手臂一直到腳,我的左側身體也開始變得很緊,這種緊張感已經有很長的時間了。隨著日子一天天的過去,身體日漸衰退,我越來越痛苦,如果不是有很強的宗教信仰,我可能已經在某個黑暗的日子結束了自 己的生命......
後來有一天晚上,我去逛商場, 去了自己最喜歡的書店,你的那本關於拉筋的書引起了我的注意!這些年來,我向每一個人抱怨在醫院的骨科和其他各科裡,沒有一個科是專門針對「筋」的,我想我沒有機會了。舉例來說,我在印度的醫生,Mandal博士,是德里(印度城市名)骨科及關節鏡外科領域最優秀的醫生之一,他是運動醫學和微創手術方面的專家,他給我做個各種各樣的檢查:核磁共振、X光檢查等,檢查我的手臂、脊柱和雙膝。最後他還是無法說清到底是什麼原因造成了我的痛苦?????我在春天 的時候得到了這本令人驚訝的書,讀了一個星期我就開始嘗試這種拉筋的方法。第二天,是的,就在每條腿僅僅拉了10分鐘,拉了兩條腿之後,在早晨醒來時我發現,今天我沒有被每天都會出現疼痛給弄醒!!!!我自己都不敢相信,之後我繼續做了幾次,感覺好多了!從那以後,我堅持拉筋,到現在已經差不多三個月了, 你猜怎麼樣?我身體上原來那些疼痛的地方已經一點都不痛了!事實上,我的按摩師問我是如何做到的,因為他注意到我的筋已經不再像「石頭」一樣硬了,但仍然 比正常人的要硬一些,現在我的筋變得更容易按摩、更容易放鬆了,只要按摩一個小時就可放鬆。在這之前,僅僅是我的兩個手臂花兩個小時按摩都還無法放鬆!我在一天天的進步和恢復中!另外,儘管我的膝蓋裡有骨刺,我用它們卻方便有力,我已經能夠走一個小時而不需要休息了!這是前所未聞的。
Isa 2011-6-8
Dear Teacher Xiao,
My name is Isa Ng Yuk Shui. I have meant to write you this thank you email for a long while, and on this Tibetan Buddha's Birthday, I consider it most appropriate to express my utmost appreciation and gratitude towards the simple methods of stretching/slapping that you have taught me via your book 'yi xing tian xia'. Sorry that I have not learned to type Chinese and it is embarrassing that as a HK born Chinese, I have to use English to communicate with you. Since I have shared my agony with ligaments hardening & shrinkage with a few friends as I was passing them your book in order to inform them how your book had saved my life, literally! Below are the extract of the pain that I have been bearing since 2000.
FYI, I have suffered from shrinking and hardening ligaments on my right body from shoulder/arm/back/spine since 2000. It got worse over the years, at 2002 -03, my right arm could not even lift 2 pounds bread! Then, typical me, I opted for natural healing instead of using any pain killers or drugs. I went for massage, moxibustion (using herbal incense to smoke the acupuncture points), acupuncture, even electric acupuncture, fire glass (but guan), you name it, I have tried them all! It did not get any better, and thanks to the Chinese massage lady, who encouraged me to do yoga, as she said I must self help. My arm became slightly better, but my pain with the arm is constant, and easily exhausted. Then by 06 spring, my 2 knees and thighs were causing so much pain (many many spurs at my knees) that I could not walk normally with running shoes on flat floor for more than 10 mins, I would need to sit down to rest. Also, walking uphill and stairs are pure AGONY! I quit Jockey. I even went to India 3 separate times to do injection of jelly to my knees from 06 till 09, again, not much improvement. My back pain increases since last summer, from shoulder to neck, each morning I have been waking up by PAIN at my right back, from arm pit area all the way to my foot, the left side began to frozen as well, as the stress was on them for too long. Had it not been the fact that I have strong faith with my religion, I could have end my life in some gloomy days as my body was decaying and become more & more painful as days gone by..........
Then, 1 evening I went to this shopping mall, and I walked into my favorite bookstore, and surely, this book about lajin CAUGHT my eyes! All these years, I was complaining to everyone that there are medical departments for bones and other organs, NOT one for ligaments, guess I have no chance. FYI, my western doctor in India, Dr Mandal was one of the best Orthopedic & Arthroscopy Surgeon in Delhi, he was Specialist in Sports Medicine and Minimal Invasive Surgery, I have done MRI, Xrays, etc, all tests on my spine, arm and 2 knees. He could not explain what was the cause of my pain???? I got this amazing book in Spring, read it for a week, and started trying the lai gun methods. The second day, YES, only tried lai gun for 10 mins on each leg and only after the second time, I noticed I was not feeling the usual pain that wakes me up in the morning!!! I could not believe it, then went on trying 2-4 different methods, and felt much better. Since then, I keep on doing lai gun, now for almost 3 months (told your dad and gave Fi the book since April), guess what, I do not feel any PAIN at all those areas! In fact, my massage man asked me how I did it, as he noticed that my ligaments are no more hard as stones, still harder than normal folks, but manageable to massage and become easily relax after an hour! Before, only my 2 arms would have taken 2 hours and still not relax! I am improving and recovering day by day! Also, my knees, even with spurs, I have STRENGTH now with them! For change, with the aid of flipflop. I am able to walk for an hour, without the need to rest! Unheard of. Can you imagine, simple lai gun methods that can CURE my suffering for the past 10 years!!! No$, no drug, just discipline and just DO IT!
So, thank you once again, Teacher Xiao. To me, you are a Bodhisattva who are here in this time and age to eliminate sufferings for sentient beings that are in human realm, and I sincerely admire your amazing journey on this Bodhisattva path. I yearn and pray that I can become a self healing master to aid others as well, but of course, we all have different sets of karmic ripening.
With warmest regards,
Isa Ng